The Literary Sipper
The Literary Sipper
The Literary Sipper Talks Books to Films

The Literary Sipper Talks Books to Films

Episode #33
white and blue concrete building
Photo by Frankie

When someone transforms our favorite book into a film or television show, bookworms have a LOT of opinions. Some of us refuse to watch any interpretation, some of us look forward to the visual adaptation, some of cannot wait to bash any new version that comes along. When an adaptation is done well, it can exist side by side with the book in perfect harmony separate, but the same, like a twin of sorts, like A Handmaiden’s Tale. But when done poorly, it can gut us. I am looking at you The Scarlet Letter.

There are so many to talk about since so many studios look to the best seller lists to glean their ideas when they are not making superhero movies based on comic books. I have barely touched the surface.

What are your favorites? What are the ones that are so bad, you still have secondhand embarrassment? And what book do you wish they would turn into a movie?

I want to know. I have a series of long flights coming up and need a playlist!

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The Literary Sipper
The Literary Sipper
Welcome to The Literary Sipper, a podcast about reading, writing, thinking, and parenting, all at the same time.
I am your host, Amber Vitti Hill, a writer and mother who’s always looking for ways to stay creative no matter where my busy day may take me.
Thank you for joining me especially when I know how valuable your free time is and how many other things you have to do on that never-ending to-do list. But if you’re trying to put something artistic out into the world, while also trying to manage the schedule and needs of others, you have come to the right place.