The Literary Sipper
The Literary Sipper
The Literary Sipper Talks Rituals

The Literary Sipper Talks Rituals

Episode #37
EB White at his desk in the barn.

What are your creative rituals? Do you light candles, only write in the morning, pair your dance practice with your afternoon coffee? How do you let your brain know that it is time to plant the seeds of your latest venture?

Do you have different rituals for exploration and other ones for polishing, editing, and the work of being an artist in the modern world: newsletters, mailing lists, wuery letters, connecting with fellow artists or your audience?

This week we get into the concept of rituals and of course if you haven’t investigated Mason Currey’s books or his Substack, here is your sign to do so.

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The Literary Sipper
The Literary Sipper
Welcome to The Literary Sipper, a podcast about reading, writing, thinking, and parenting, all at the same time.
I am your host, Amber Vitti Hill, a writer and mother who’s always looking for ways to stay creative no matter where my busy day may take me.
Thank you for joining me especially when I know how valuable your free time is and how many other things you have to do on that never-ending to-do list. But if you’re trying to put something artistic out into the world, while also trying to manage the schedule and needs of others, you have come to the right place.