The Literary Sipper
The Literary Sipper
The Literary Sipper Talks Decluttering Books

The Literary Sipper Talks Decluttering Books

Episode #38
assorted file book lot inside the room
Photo by Carles Rabada

Welcome back to The Literary Sipper!

I didn’t mean to take such a long summer break. But, alas, it is what it is. We had a lot of travel this summer and like many, my creative goals took a backseat.

I did plenty of reading and writing though, so we will touch on that in future episodes. As a former teacher, September feels like the new year anyway!

The goals this year are to deliver a weekly podcast for you and a bi-weekly Top 5 Sips to your inbox.

This week we are talking decluttering and I highly recommend Gretchen Rubin’s book Outer Order, Inner Calm if you haven’t already gotten it! I don’t mention it in the episode, but I think it is a great read to get started on any organizing project!

Talk soon!

x A

Thanks for listening to The Literary Sipper! Feel free to share this episode with your people. I would be ever so thankful. More reading, more writing, more creative things in the world.


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The Literary Sipper
The Literary Sipper
Welcome to The Literary Sipper, a podcast about reading, writing, thinking, and parenting, all at the same time.
I am your host, Amber Vitti Hill, a writer and mother who’s always looking for ways to stay creative no matter where my busy day may take me.
Thank you for joining me especially when I know how valuable your free time is and how many other things you have to do on that never-ending to-do list. But if you’re trying to put something artistic out into the world, while also trying to manage the schedule and needs of others, you have come to the right place.